Guidance on Standards, Assessments, and Accountability
Archived Information

Table of Contents

1.  Overview of Major Provisions
2.  Introduction
3.  Content and Performance Standards
Statute and Regulations
Questions and Answers
4.  Assessments
Statute and Regulations
Questions and Answers
Assessment of Participating Private School Students
Early Learning Assessment
Assessments and Limited English Proficient Students
Assessment and Students with Disabilities
Technical Issues of Assessment
5.  Adequate Yearly Progress
Statute and Regulations
Questions and Answers
6.  Transitional Assessments
Statute and Regulations (Section 1111(b)(7);200.3 8 and 200.4(e)(1))
Statute and Regulations (Sections 1111(b)(7)(B))
Questions and Answers
7.  Accountability and Improvement
Statute and Regulations
Questions and Answers
8.  Technical Assistance Documents

Overview of Major Provisions

This overview provides an introduction to the major provisions of Title I of the ESEA for which guidance is presented in this document. Throughout this guidance the statute and regulations for each section are given first, followed by discussion, questions and answers, and examples to clarify or illustrate the provisions.

I. Challenging Content and Performance Standards: (Section 1111(b)(1); §200.1(b)(1))

By the beginning of the 1997-98 school year, States will develop or adopt challenging State content standards, in at least reading and math, which specify what all children are expected to know and be able to do, and challenging performance standards which show the level children will be expected to attain in mastering the material in the content standards. To ensure high expectations, States that have developed or adopted standards for all children must use them for Title I purposes. Only in their absence will States develop or adopt challenging standards for Title I.

II. High-Quality Assessments: (Section 1111(b)(3); §§200.1(b)(2) and 200.4)

By the beginning of the 2000-01 school year, States will develop or adopt high-quality yearly assessments in at least reading and math to determine how well children served by Title I are learning the material according to the State content standards. The assessments developed/adopted for all children must also be used for Title I purposes.

III. Adequate Yearly Progress: (Section 1111(b)(2); §200.3)

Each State defines what constitutes "adequate yearly progress" of each Title I school and district toward enabling children to meet the high performance levels expected of all children, as measured by the State assessments and other measures.

IV. Transitional Assessments: (Section 1111(b)(7); §§200.3(c) and 200.4(e)(1))

In order for States to have sufficient time to develop or adopt a high-quality assessment system, Title I provides for a transitional period, until the school year 2000-01, during which a State may use a transitional assessment system while developing its final assessment system.

V. Accountability and Improvement: (Sections 1111(b)(7)(B) and 1116; §§200.5 and 200.6))

When final assessments are implemented, each Title I school and district will be required to demonstrate adequate yearly progress toward helping participating children attain the State’s challenging performance standards. During the transition period, the State must establish criteria for identifying Title I schools and districts that rely on accurate information about the continuous and substantial yearly academic progress of each such school and district. Schools or districts failing to make adequate yearly progress or to meet the State’s transitional criteria for two consecutive years will be identified for improvement.

For schools identified for improvement, the school district must provide technical assistance as those schools develop or revise their school plans. If, after two years in school improvement the school still is not making adequate progress, its LEA must take some kind of corrective action. Schools that make adequate progress for two out of three years will no longer be identified for improvement. School districts also will be held accountable by their SEAs for performance, through mechanisms similar to those used for schools. (See chart on page 76).

Distinguished Schools—schools achieving more than adequate yearly progress for three years—will have the option to become mentors to other schools. Districts also are encouraged to provide rewards for such schools and their staffs. "Distinguished Educators" will be available to assist schools and districts having the most difficulty meeting the State standards.

Organization of the Guidance on Standards, Assessment, and Accountability

The major sections of this guidance correspond to the major provisions described above and are organized as follows. First, an introduction gives an overview of the purposes of the section, Next, the statute and regulations are cited and the regulations are restated. This is followed by a series of frequently asked questions and answers. Examples are provided throughout the guidance to provide short illustrations of particular concepts contained in these provisions. Each illustration represents only one of several ways that States may choose to satisfy these provisions.

The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Compensatory Education Programs, would like to express appreciation to the Council of Chief State School Officers’ State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards for assistance in writing and reviewing this guidance. It also had input from three regional conferences sponsored by the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing, and was reviewed by staff of Goals 2000, the Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, and the Office of Special Education Programs.


Education leaders and the general public agree that there must be challenging content and student performance standards for every child. All children should receive instruction both in rich and challenging curricula and the basic skills and benefit from effective assessments that probe their ability to think and solve problems. Over recent years, there has been a growing and widely shared understanding that education cannot be reformed piecemeal. Instead, all significant parts of the education system—teacher education and professional development, instructional materials and strategies, evaluation—must be made to work together to support high academic achievement for every child.

Over the past decade, States and communities across the country, supported by this shared understanding, have embarked on far-reaching systemic efforts to reform their schools. Uniting their efforts has been an emphasis on high academic standards—describing what all children should know and be able to do—and high-quality assessments geared to those standards, as well as a shared vision of reform. These State and local reforms have been broadly supported by the business community, academic researchers, teachers and parents, and have been bolstered by the Goals 2000: Educate America Act. The reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is yet another support for State and local reform efforts. In fact, the explicit purpose of the ESEA is to support the broad-based reforms occurring in States and localities and to extend high educational expectations to students served by Title I and other ESEA programs. Operationally, this means--

This chapter provides guidance to States, districts, and schools on Title I’s new provisions on standards and assessments, adequate yearly progress, and accountability. It also discusses the transition period during which a State may use transitional assessments while it moves toward its final system of assessments. Whether a State submits a consolidated plan or a separate Title I plan, these provisions apply. However, if a State has an approved plan under the Goals 2000: Educate America Act , the consolidated State plan developed under ESEA must be coordinated with that plan. Goals 2000 is not a program, but a vehicle that States may use to assist them in the development of their State standards and assessments. As individual State standards and assessments system are developed under Goals 2000 or other State reform plans, they become the standards and assessments for ESEA. If a State has developed standards, assessments and accountability criteria to measure the performance of all children, these same standards, assessments, and accountability criteria must be used for participating Title I students, schools and LEAs.

States are at different stages of progress in the development and implementation of standards and assessments and will likely use different methods to develop and communicate their standards and design and validate appropriate assessments. This guidance sets general principles intended to be interpreted in the context of each State rather than specifying detailed procedures to be followed. Moreover, since there are several approaches that may be taken to develop such systems, flexibility and collaboration between States and LEAs are encouraged. States also differ in the balance between State control and local control. In recognition of these differences, Goals 2000 and Title I requires that participating States develop or adopt challenging content and performance standards with aligned assessments, but it does not require that there be a single set of content or performance standards and assessments that are applied uniformly to every LEA within the State. A State may choose to develop or adopt model standards or criteria against which locally developed standards and assessments would be measured and approved.

These general concepts form the foundation for the implementation of Title I—and of the entire ESEA—and support State-developed, system-wide reform of teaching and learning geared to challenging standards.

The guidance in this document applies to standards and assessment provisions under Part A of Title I. It does not impose requirements beyond those in the ESEA and other applicable federal statutes and regulations. While State educational agencies may wish to consider the guidance in this document in developing their own guidelines, they are free to develop alternative approaches that are consistent with applicable federal statutes and regulations. In other words, this document contains acceptable but not exclusive guidance. Compliance with the guidance in this document will be deemed by department officials, including the Inspector General, as compliance with the applicable federal statutes and regulations.

Content and Performance Standards


The emphasis on challenging content and student performance standards for all children provides a clear goal for the new Title I law: to enable children served by Title I to meet the challenging standards established by the State for all its children. States, districts, and schools are called on to break with past practice by replacing minimum standards for some children with challenging standards for all. Challenging content standards defining what knowledge and skills should be learned and student performance standards that set the levels of student achievement, therefore, are the centerpiece of Title I.

States must develop or adopt content standards—in at least reading/language arts and mathematics—by school year 1997-98. By that time, they also must have performance standards for at least three levels of attainment: two high-performance levels—proficient and advanced—and a partially-proficient level that can be used to determine how well children are learning the material in the State content standards. To ensure that children served by Title I are held to challenging standards, States that have developed content and performance standards that apply to all children must also use them for Title I purposes. Only in the absence of overall standards for all children will States develop or adopt standards specifically for Title I.

States may vary their approaches in developing and implementing their standards. However, it is the State’s responsibility to ensure that the standards are rigorous and hold students to high expectations.

Standards are intended to provide a focus for coherent improvement in all the components affecting teaching and learning: curriculum, instruction, professional development, school leadership, student assessment, and parent involvement. Thus, they can ensure coherence among all ESEA programs, including Title I, professional development, migrant education, Indian education, and bilingual education. They can also play a critical role in linking all these ESEA programs to the overall reform efforts in States and communities.

Statute and Regulations

A State shall develop or adopt challenging content standards and student performance standards that will be used by the State, its LEAs, and its schools to carry out Title I.

Standards must include:

A State that has developed or adopted content and student performance standards for all students under Title III of the Goals 2000: Educate America Act or under another process, or will develop or adopt such standards by the beginning of the 1997-98 school year, shall use those standards, modified, if necessary, to carry out Title I.

If a State has not developed or adopted content and student performance standards for all students by the beginning of the 1997-98 school year, or does not intend to develop those standards, the State shall develop content and student performance standards for elementary and secondary school children served under Title I in subject areas as determined by the State, but including at least mathematics and reading/language arts. These standards must—

If the State has not developed content or student performance standards in mathematics and reading/language arts for elementary and secondary school children served under Title I by the beginning of the 1997-98 school year, the State shall then adopt a set of standards in those subjects such as the standards contained in other State plans the U.S. Secretary of Education has approved.

If and when a State develops or adopts standards for all children, the State shall use those standards for Title I purposes.

Questions and Answers

1. What are content standards?

Content standards are broad descriptions of the knowledge and skills students should acquire in the core academic subjects. The knowledge includes the important and enduring ideas, concepts, issues, and information of the subject areas. The skills include the ways of thinking, working, communicating, reasoning, and investigating that characterize each subject area. Content standards may emphasize interdisciplinary themes as well as concepts in the core academic subjects.

2. Who is to be involved in the development of a State plan that includes the State ’s standards and assessments?

A State plan must be developed with broad-based consultation throughout the planning process with LEAs, teachers, pupil services personnel, other staff, parents, and administrators, includingprincipals, and with substantial involvement of the Committee of Practitioners established under Title I. The Committee will continue to be involved in monitoring the plan’s implementation.

A State that chooses to submit a consolidated State plan, in keeping with the special emphasis that is placed on public involvement, should recall both the public involvement responsibilities under individual program statutes and section 14303(a)(7) of the ESEA. This provision requires, as one of the State’s general assurances, that "before the [consolidated plan] was submitted to the Secretary, the State has afforded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the plan or application and has considered such comment."

As States seek widespread involvement in the development of their content and performance standards, they may want to consider the following:

4. What considerations are relevant as a State determines whether its standards are challenging?

The following questions may help a State determine whether its standards are challenging:

A State may wish to include in its plan information that responds to these questions. A number of groups have already developed criteria for determining whether a set of content standards is challenging and of high quality. States are encouraged to explore such criteria in their own standards review. In developing standards, States may also want to review presentations from professional groups or academic experts, frameworks from other States, districts, or professional sources, and exemplary practices across one or more States. The following is one such example.

5. What are performance standards?

Performance standards are concrete examples and explicit definitions of what students have to know and be able to do to demonstrate that such students are proficient in the skills and knowledge framed by content standards (Section 3, Goals 2000). States and localities typically distinguish two types of interrelated standards: those that specify the (what students should know or be able to do at different points in their education), and those that specify the performance (how well they should be able to do it). Ideally, performance standards indicate the type of evidence required to demonstrate fulfillment of content standards (e.g., essay, mathematical proof, scientific experiment, project, exam) as well as the quality of performance that will be deemed acceptable... [Robert L. Linn and Joan L. Herman, National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards and Student Testing (CRESST, A Policymaker's Guide to Standards-Led Assessment, Education Commission of the States (ECS), February 1997. See also, National Education Goals Panel, Report of Goals 3 and 4 Technical Planning Group on the Review of Education Standards, Washington, DC, 1993.]

Performance standards in a State plan must describe (1) at least two levels of high performance, proficient and advanced, that determine how well children are mastering the material in the State content standards; and (2) a third level of performance, partially proficient, in order to provide more complete information about the progress of the lower-performing children toward achieving the proficient and advanced levels of performance. If a State wishes, it may describe additional levels of performance for the purpose of providing educators with more information about the progress of lower-performing children. These additional lower levels, however, maynot result in lower expectations for children served by Title I. All children are expected to achieve the proficient and advanced categories of performance.

States that have developed or are developing performance standards consistent with the above definition have done so in two ways. Some States are working to define their performance standards simultaneously with their content standards or to derive their performance standards directly from their content standards -- in preparation for developing assessment. Often, these descriptors are included in specifications for the assessments -- they define the rigor of the standard so that developers of the assessment know what to shoot for. Other States establish performance standards in conjunction with the development of a set of assessments aligned with the State’s content standards. Once the assessments have been developed and piloted, descriptors of student work that define the boundaries between performance levels are collected in conjunction with assessment items or tasks.

Both approaches to defining performance standards are based on the content standards and are integral to the development of performance assessments. Cut scores, such as the 25th percentile on a nationally norm-referenced test, are generally not considered to be performance standards because transitional assessments are not aligned with a State’s content standards.

Both approaches should involve knowledgeable teachers, curriculum experts, and community members to help guide the process and to help educators and the broader community understand the content and performance bases of new assessments. Both approaches need to maintain a focus on the high standards implicit in this effort despite the many pressures to benchmark performance expectations to current levels of student work. Below are some examples of performance standards.

6. Because a State does not submit copies of its content and student performance standards with its State plan, how may a State demonstrate that it has developed or adopted challenging academic standards that meet Title I ’s requirements?

A State need not submit its standards to the Secretary. Rather, in its State plan, the State must include evidence that demonstrates that it has developed or adopted challenging content standards and student performance standards that will be used by the State, its LEAs, and its schools to carry out Title I.

To guide a State ’s submission of evidence of challenging content and [student performance] standards, the State could select from the following "menu " of options:

7. If a State will not have content or performance standards in at least mathematics and reading/languages arts by the beginning of the 1997-98 school year, what must the State do?

If your State will be unable to complete development or adoption of challenging content and performance standards in mathematics and reading/language arts before the beginning of the 1997-1998 school year, you must request a waiver of this deadline under section 14401 of the ESEA. Please note that, while the Department will entertain waivers of the standards deadline, it will not waive the fundamental requirement to have challenging standards.

8. Must a State develop or adopt content and performance standards in all subjects?

Although there are only two subject areas in which development of State content standards and student performance standards is required by Title I—mathematics and reading/language arts—the Department encourages the development of standards in other subject areas as determined by the State.

9. Do performance levels created from the use of a transitional assessment fulfill the requirement that a State shall develop or adopt challenging student performance standards that will be used by the State, its LEAs, and its schools to carry out Title I?

No. If the transitional assessments are not aligned with the content standards, then the performance levels created through the use of these assessments will not be aligned with the content standards. The statute requires that the challenging student performance standards be aligned with the State’s challenging content standards.

10. Must State content and performance standards be uniform throughout a State for Title I purposes?

No. Title I requires that each State develop or adopt challenging content and student performance standards. It does not require that a single set of content or performance standards be applied uniformly to every LEA within the State. There are a number of options that may be applied to the development of standards. The three highlighted in this document are Statewide content and performance standards, locally developed content and performance standards with State approval, and a combined State-local approach to standards development.

Statewide Content and Performance Standards

Many States will establish content and performance standards that will be applied uniformly to all schools and LEAs in the State. In those States, regardless of which LEA a student attends, he or she will be expected to meet the same content and performance standards.

Locally Developed Content and Performance Standards, with State Approval

Instead of developing or adopting uniform statewide content and performance standards, a State may require local districts to develop their own standards. States that require this must establish criteria or model standards and review locally developed standards to ensure comparability, rigor, and conformity with the State criteria or model standards. The State must also ensure that some school districts do not set less challenging standards than other districts in the State. For example, a State with large urban areas with high concentrations of poor and low-achieving children must ensure that districts serving those areas do not establish less challenging standards. Instead, because of the enormous needs in these districts, the State must be careful to ensure that the district’s standards are sufficiently high to raise students’ performance.

Combined State-Local Approach to Content and Performance Standards Development

A State may develop uniform statewide standards and require or encourage each local district to develop additional standards which meet or exceed the State standards. In this approach, local districts would be required to align their standards with the common standards developed at the State level while at the same time being allowed local flexibility to tailor their standards to their particular system and context.

In allowing or encouraging additional locally developed standards, States must ensure that such standards are challenging. States that wish to include local standards as part of their statewide system will need to facilitate the alignment and linking process.

11. If a State does not have uniform statewide standards, what may a State wish consider to ensure that locally developed standards are challenging?

The types of evidence States may consider includes the following as it prepares for a review using the menu options in Question 5--

12. What does it mean to say that standards apply to all children?

Whether standards apply statewide or districtwide, all students within that State or district must be held to the same challenging standards. In other words,

13. In subjects in which students will be served under Title I but for which a State does not have standards, how may the State determine that the knowledge and skills Title I students are expected to achieve are the same as those expected of other students in the State?

To ensure that the same knowledge and skills are taught to Title I students as to the rest of a State’s students, the State may want to consider the following strategies:



A key component of Title I is a high-quality assessment system aligned with the State’s content and performance standards that helps to ensure that the performance expected of children in Title I schools is the same as that expected of all children. Such an assessment system would monitor progress toward achievement goals for accountability and would stimulate and support superior instruction, functions that are not well served by many current assessment systems. Allowing States to develop or adopt different assessment systems provides for flexibility to address the needs of children in each State and its LEAs and schools.

Title I requires each State to develop or adopt a set of high-quality yearly student assessments that measure performance in at least mathematics and reading/language arts, and to use these assessments as the primary means of determining the yearly performance of each school and LEA served under Part A in enabling all participating children to meet the State’s student performance standards.

This section focuses on the assessments in State assessment systems which are intended for monitoring the progress of schools and districts in helping all students attain the State’s standards—the assessments which will constitute the primary basis for judging the "adequate yearly progress" of Title I schools and districts. Assessment requirements during the "transitional" period while States are developing these new systems are discussed in a later section of this guidance. "Transitional" assessments are allowed until the year 2000-2001, so States will have time to create an aligned system of challenging content and students performance standards with appropriate assessments. This section first discusses general assessment requirements, then examines assessment issues for special populations of students, and ends with a consideration of various technical quality issues.

Statute and Regulations

(Section 1111(b)(3); § §200.1(b)(2) and 200.4)

Each State shall develop or adopt a set of high-quality yearly student assessments, including assessments that measure performance in at least mathematics and reading/language arts, that will be used as the primary means of determining the yearly performance of each school and LEA served under Part A in enabling all participating children to meet the State’s student performance standards.

A State may satisfy this requirement if it has developed or adopted a set of high-quality yearly student assessments in other academic subjects that measures performance in mathematics and reading/language arts.

Assessments must meet the following requirements:

If a State has developed or adopted assessments for all students that measure performance in mathematics and reading/language arts under Title III of the Goals 2000: Educate America Act or under another process, the State shall use those assessments, modified, if necessary, to conform with these requirements.

The requirement to assess in mathematics and reading/language arts does not relieve a State from including students served under Title I in assessments in any other subjects the State has developed or adopted for all children.

If a State has not currently developed or adopted assessments that measure performance in at least mathematics and reading/language arts, the State shall—

The State may request a one-year extension from the Secretary to test its new assessments if the State submits a strategy to correct problems identified in the field-testing of its assessments.

If a State has not developed assessments that measure performance in at least mathematics and reading/language arts by the beginning of the 2000-01 school year and is denied an extension, the State shall adopt a set of assessments in those subjects such as assessments contained in the plans of other States the Secretary has approved.

Questions and Answers

14. Must State assessments used for Title I be uniform statewide?

Title I requires that participating States develop and implement State assessments that are aligned with the State’s content standards. There are three approaches that States are implementing: a single Statewide assessment system under which all students being assessed take the same assessments; a Statewide system with local assessments added with the approval of the State; and local assessment systems approved by the State on the basis of models or criteria to ensure high quality assessments.

15. Must a State develop or adopt assessments in all subjects?

Title I requires that assessments be developed or adopted in at least mathematics and reading/language arts. Assessments in mathematics and reading/language arts are the minimum required. If a State has developed assessments for all children in any other subjects, children participating in Title I must be included in those assessments as well. In fact, because the purpose of Title I is to help children achieve in all academic areas, not just math and reading,States are strongly encouraged to use assessments in all academic areas to determine how well children in Title I schools are doing. States and LEAs should thus establish assessments systems that adequately inform teachers, parents, and the community of a school’s or LEA’s progress toward attainment of State performance standards and provide information to improve instruction.

16. Must all participating children in Title I be assessed?

No. In the grades selected for assessment all children participating in Title I must be assessed including students with disabilities and LEP students. For example, if a State assesses in grades 4, 7, and 11 all Title I participating students in these grades must be included. Title I students in other grades need not be assessed.

17. May children participating in Title I be assessed with different assessments than those used by the State for all other children?

If a State and/or LEA measures the performance of all children, such assessments must be used to measure the performance of children participating in Title I. Moreover, children participating in Title I must be part of any accountability system the State establishes for all children. Such assessments may be modified to accommodate LEP students and students with disabilities provided they meet standards of comparability.

18. Must a State use only mathematics and reading/language arts assessments to satisfy Title ’s requirements that assessments be in "at least mathematics and reading/language arts "?

No. The Title I regulations permit a State to assess students in academic subjects other than mathematics and reading/language arts if those assessments also measure performance in mathematics and reading/language arts.

19. When a State submits its plan to the Secretary, must it also submit a copy of its assessments?

No. A State need not submit its assessments to the Secretary. Rather, a State plan must demonstrate that the State will develop or adopt or has developed or adopted a set of high-quality, yearly student assessments that will be used by the State, its LEAs, and its schools to carry out the Title I requirements.

20. If a State does not have to submit copies of its assessments with its State plan, how may a State demonstrate in its plan that the State has developed or adopted a set of high-quality, yearly student assessments?

A State plan can demonstrate that the State has high-quality assessments in some or all the following ways:

21. What are some ways to judge the alignment of local standards and assessments with State standards and assessments?

If the State allows the use of local standards and/or assessments, the State has the responsibility of ensuring that the local standards and assessments are aligned with the State’s system. Areas of alignment that the State may consider include--

In reviewing local assessments, States can look at the alignment of the assessments with the State assessments and with the State and local content standards. The same areas reviewed for determining alignment of content standards can be useful in reviewing assessments.

Empirical evidence of alignment between State and local standards and assessments may also be gathered. For example, a State may wish to administer its assessment to a sample of students in a district and compare the results to the results of the local assessment.

Question 4 addresses issues related to judging the quality of content standards and is accompanied by sample criteria for evaluating standards.

22. In a targeted assistance school, if Title I children receive services in only one subject, must they be assessed in at least mathematics and reading/language arts.

Yes. Even if participating children only receive services in one subject, such as mathematics, they still must be assessed in at least mathematics and reading/language arts for Title I purposes.

23. What is meant by assessments that involve multiple up-to-date measures of student performance?

This provision requires that different approaches and formats be used in the assessment system. Examples include criterion-referenced tests, multiple choice tests, writing samples, completion of graphic representations, standardized tests, observation checklists, performance of exemplary tasks, performance events, and portfolios of student work. The assessments must include measures of complex skills and understanding of challenging content in at least mathematics and reading/language arts. Data derived from indicators such as attendance and graduation may be used to augment these approaches but not to replace them.

24. Do multiple approaches within an assessment system mean that a State must have multiple approaches within each subject area assessed?

Multiple approaches, such as a criterion-referenced test and a performance event, for a single subject are not required. However, multiple approaches may provide more complete information on school progress.

25. Must migratory students be included in a State assessment system?

Including migratory students in State assessments is important to achieving ESEA’s goal that all children achieve to high content and performance standards. It is important that States coordinate with each other so that migratory students are neither subject to assessment programs in several districts or States nor are excluded altogether from these assessment systems. States may wish to consider including migratory students in a State assessment against the standards of their home-based State (i.e., the State in which the child intends to graduate). Each State which receives a migratory student for a period during the year should coordinate with other States in which the student has been enrolled to provide continuity in the educational services the studentreceives, and with the student’s home-base State regarding the administration of assessments and the reporting of results.

26. If a State has not developed or adopted assessments in at least mathematics and reading/language arts, by when must they be developed or adopted?

These assessments must be developed and field tested by the beginning of the 2000-01 school year. A State may request a one-year extension from the Secretary to test its new assessments, if the State submits a strategy to correct problems identified in the field testing of its assessments.

27. Must all students served by Title I in a district or school have the same data reported in their individual student interpretive and descriptive reports?

No. The individual student reports required by law need not be composed of comparable elements. Children’s profiles on a number of measures—for instance, their scores on matrix-sampled performance tasks, or their actual work—may be included without meeting strict standards of comparability among each of the sampled items. The goal of individual reporting is to provide the best possible information to parents about their own children’s progress and to teachers about students in their classes.

Assessment of Participating Private School Students

In consultation with private school officials, an LEA must provide participating private school children an equitable opportunity to meet the State’s content and student performance standards. In some instances, however, it may not be appropriate to expect private school children to meet the State’s standards—for example, if those standards are not aligned with the curriculum of the private school. If the LEA, in consultation with private school officials, determines that it would beinappropriate to measure the achievement of participating private school children in relation to the State’s content and performance standards, the LEA must develop alternative program goals that provide reasonable promise of those children achieving the high levels called for by the State’s student performance standards.

An LEA must assess annually the progress of the Title I program toward enabling private school Title I participants to meet the State’s challenging student performance standards (or the LEA’s alternative program goals). Generally, an LEA must assess the progress of the Title I program using the State’s definition of adequate yearly progress. However, the LEA may need to modify that definition, in consultation with private school officials, to better measure the progress of participating private school children. In measuring adequate yearly progress, the LEA has the flexibility to group children in a manner that will provide the most accurate information of this progress. For example, the LEA may decide to group children by type of instructional method, grade level, school, or other appropriate basis.

In general, an LEA must use the State assessment system (i.e., the final assessment required under section 1111(b)(3) of Title I or the transitional assessment under section 1111(b)(7)) as well as any additional measures or indicators the LEA deems necessary in order to measure how well the Title I program is enabling the private school students to meet the State’s challenging student performance standards (or the LEAs alternative program goals). In some instances, however, it may not be appropriate for the LEA to use the State assessment system. If the LEA, in consultation with private school officials, determines that the State assessment would not provide accurate information about the progress of participating private school children, the LEA may use other assessment measures that more accurately reflect the progress of those children toward meeting the State’s standards.

If an LEA determines that a Title I program serving private school children has not made adequate progress (or met the criteria established by the State for transitional assessments) for two consecutive school years, the LEA, in consultation with the private school, must develop a Title I program improvement plan that has the greatest likelihood of improving the performance of participating private school children in meeting the State’s student performance standards.

28. May Title I funds be used to assess private school children?

Title I funds may be used to assess private school children if the assessment is being used only for Title I purposes. To the extent, however, that an assessment is conducted for other purposes, it may not be paid for from Title I funds. For example, if private school children, in general, are included in the State assessment, Title I funds may not be used to pay for the assessment of those private school children participating in Title I.

Early Learning Assessment

Almost half of the students served by Title I are in grades below third grade. However, Title I does not require assessment until the third, fourth, or fifth grade. This leaves a major part of the Title I population being served in grades for which accountability information may be indirect. States may wish to collect performance data for children in grades K-2 for early diagnosis of children’s needs, to evaluate program effectiveness, guide curriculum and instruction, or provide information that can be used to measure school and LEA progress. As a result, it is important to consider several factors carefully in developing an assessment program for these students.

29. Is it necessary to assess students below grade 3 for Title I?

Title I does not require pre-grade 3 assessment for determining school and district progress; however, there is a need for both formative evaluation information and information on the success of Title I in the early grades. Although "formal" assessment below grade 3 may not be part of the State’s assessment system, districts may wish to develop measures of success of their early childhood programs. There are four reasons that States may wish to assess students below grade 3:

When States request information on primary school achievement it raises awareness and has an impact on programs. Asking for data does not imply depending on paper and pencil, large-scale assessments, which are not allowed below grade 3 in some States. Data might consist of teachers reporting what percent of their students are achieving at appropriate benchmark levels for their grade. The reports can be based on teachers’ observations and samples of students’ work.

30. May States include student assessment information from students below Grade 3 to judge adequate yearly progress?

Yes. Although Title I requirements for grade-level coverage in the State assessment system begin with grades 3-5, States may use assessment information from earlier grades for accountability purposes.

31. What do teachers need to know to make judgments of student progress in relation to content and performance standards?

In order to produce judgments of student progress, teachers need to be proficient in sound classroom assessment and knowledgeable in content and performance standards. With a move toward more complex assessments both in classrooms and at district and State levels, teachers need to develop their professional capacity to use and interpret newer assessments. Title I calls for informative, diagnostic reporting on individuals’ classroom performance and for program accountability that aligns with the accountability used for all students. The classroom assessment component often will require teachers’ understanding of how to judge classroom portfolios or how to make valid, reliable observations of students’ performance. The accountability demands mean that teachers must understand and be able to teach to the more complex accountability assessments that are being implemented in an increasing number of States and districts.

32. What are appropriate assessment strategies and considerations for assessing early learners?

Some States have legislation that prohibits the testing of young children with standardized, paper and pencil, large group tests. This legislation is based on research on the needs and development of young children and reflects the guidelines for assessing young children published by such groups as the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Some States, such as South Carolina, have worked with districts to develop their own sets of guidelines for assessing young children. While it is important to consider developmental differences in young children, it is also essential to avoid using those initial differences as excuses for students not making adequate progress. Keeping content and performance standards in mind, assessment approaches need to be designed so that teachers can determine and communicate student achievement with respect to the standards rather than in relation to where students start. The latter focus may result in students falling further behind with each year rather than catching up to other students.

Assessments and Limited English Proficient Students

For limited English proficient students appropriate assessment instruments and other measures should take into account content area and the language of instruction. Limited English proficient students should be assessed to determine their mastery of skills in subjects other than English. The decision about appropriate accommodations, if needed, should be made on an individualized basis.

33. How does a State address the needs of LEP students when developing challenging content standards?

Standards should be developed with communities that include teachers, parents and others who work with and understand the languages and cultures of LEP students. State and locally developed standards should incorporate the cultural background and life experiences of linguistically diverse children and reflect the diversity of the State or district. Similarly, the curriculum and assessments should include elements of the local languages and cultures and be linked directly to the standards.

34. Must LEP students be required to meet the same content and performance standards as other students?

Yes. Title I requires that content and performance standards apply to all participating students, including limited English proficient students. Initially, however, LEP students may take more time to meet the standards because they must also develop English language proficiency. As such, additional benchmarks towards meeting content standards might be developed to assess LEP student progress. In addition, States might develop supplemental benchmarks in English language arts that address the acquisition of English language skills.

35. How do we support more effectively LEP students ’ achievement of content and performance standards?

This will require effective instruction, assessment of students to determine where they are relative to the State standards, good teacher professional development, appropriate materials development, family involvement, knowledge of the second language acquisition process, and knowledge of the cultural and communications patterns that bear on the academic performance of LEP students.

36. What factors should be considered when deciding how to assess LEP students?

Assessments for LEP students are to be rigorous yet appropriate for the needs of these students. Because of the diversity of this population (in terms of languages spoken and the level of English proficiency), no single method may address the needs of all LEP students. A variety of approaches is recommended. One is to assess content knowledge in the primary language. This approach may be appropriate for students who receive instruction in the primary language or those who are more proficient in their primary language than in English. The primary language assessment should cover the same standards being assessed for all students.

37. If assessment in the primary language is impracticable or inappropriate, what other assessment practices can be used in order to meet the needs of LEP students?

Other modifications currently in use at the State and local levels include extra time, small group administration, flexible scheduling, simplified directions, and allowing the use of dictionaries. Other modifications might entail providing audio-taped instructions in the primary language, allowing students to respond in either their primary language or English using audiotape, providing additional clarifying information at the end of the test booklet or throughout the test (e.g., synonyms for difficult words or phrases), and decreasing the English language demands of the assessment.

38. How does a State or LEA determine whether to test in English or use a modified assessment?

Decisions regarding when to test LEP students in English should be based on assessment of English language skills that measure four domains of language (speaking, listening, reading, writing), and on the number of years a student has received academic instruction.

39. How does a State or LEA determine whether to test in English or in the primary language?

States should develop guidelines to help decision-makers choose the most appropriate assessment option. The most appropriate option should enable a child to demonstrate knowledge and skills in the content area.

40. How should LEP student assessment scores be disaggregated?

When the final assessment system is in place, student assessment results must be disaggregated by LEP status. Further disaggregation by economic status would help determine whether differences between LEP students and non-LEP students are a result of socioeconomic status or language proficiency.

41. How might States go about developing assessments for LEP students?

States and local school districts might consider borrowing (from other States or entities such as large school districts with substantial numbers of LEP students) content area assessments in languages other than English if such assessments conform with their content standards. This process might also involve cooperative efforts among two or more States, or the development of multi-state item banks and should include persons knowledgeable about the assessment of LEP students and systems serving them. The newly formed Regional Comprehensive Assistance Centers will be a source of help in locating and developing assessments in languages other than English. Finally, States might request assistance from the Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs (OBEMLA). OBEMLA is required to assist States that request such assistance and identify appropriate assessment measures in languages other than English that are present in their Title I student populations.

Assessment and Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities must be included in State and local assessments. The term "students with disabilities", as it is used in this guidance, refers to students who are eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as well as students who are covered under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Under IDEA, a student is eligible for services if the student has one of the covered impairments and because of that impairment needs special education and related services. Under Section 504 and Title II, the student is covered if the student has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities such as learning.

42. Students with disabilities are tested extensively. Why should they be included in the assessment system that other children are expected to take?

Currently, much of the individualized testing of students with disabilities is designed to decide whether they are eligible (or remain eligible) for special education services. Assessments for Title I purposes focus on whether the yearly performance of each LEA and school served under Title I is enabling all children served to meet the State’s student performance standards. It is important that students with disabilities be included in these assessments because they are expected to meet the same standards as other students.

43. What if assessments being used to measure the performance of all students do not measure what students with disabilities are currently learning in their programs?

While some students with disabilities may need modified instructional approaches, generally all students need to be working toward the same challenging standards.

44. Must students with disabilities be included in Title I assessments?

Yes. Title I and Federal civil rights laws require the inclusion in assessments of all children, including children with disabilities, in the grade being assessed. For a small number of students with disabilities, the severity of their physical or cognitive limitations prevents them from participating meaningfully in exactly the same assessments as other students, even with the availability of appropriate accommodations. For this small population of students, appropriate alternatives should be used to assess their educational progress.

45. What assessment accommodations may be provided for students with disabilities?

Students with disabilities must be provided with appropriate accommodations when necessary to enable participation in the assessments. Assessment accommodations include changes in the way assessment items are presented, changes in the way a student may respond, changes in the timing or scheduling of an assessment, and changes in the setting that are used to provide an equal footing for students with disabilities who need the accommodations. Assessment accommodations help students show what they know without being placed at a disadvantage by their disability.

46. Who decides which students with disabilities get assessment accommodations, and how is this decided?

There are no specific Title I regulations that indicate who is to make the decision about which students with disabilities require assessment accommodations during assessments, nor about how the decision is to be made. Current practice in most States with statewide assessments is to have the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) team make the decision about the assessment accommodations that the student needs during assessments. If a student’s IEP states the assessment accommodations that the student is to receive, then these accommodations must be provided. Some States, however, have other mechanisms in place for deciding about the use of accommodations.

For best testing practice, it is generally recommended that the decision about the use of accommodations be made by a person or a group of people who knows the student. Typically, this is assumed to be the IEP team or a group that knows the child as is the case of a child covered by Section 504 that must receive individualized appropriate education but does not have an IEP. These decisions are to be made on the basis of individual student characteristics and needs, not on the basis of labels (such as category of disability). In determining which students require accommodations during Title I assessments, it is important to be aware of the role ofaccommodations in instruction and in assessment. Although there are exceptions, it is generally held that the accommodations students receive during instruction are the accommodations that they should receive during assessment.

47. How do I know which accommodations may affect the validity of assessments?

There are many questions about which accommodations preserve the reliability of test scores and the validity of inferences (whether the test measures the same content standards in the accommodated and non-accommodated versions) based on these scores. These questions have not yet been fully answered. Specific test protocols provided by commercial achievement test publishers may or may not provide adequate information on which accommodations produce comparable scores between accommodated and non-accommodated versions of the tests.

In some cases, decisions on allowable accommodations can be based on some logical assumptions about the purpose of the test. For example, a measure of silent reading comprehension could be invalidated by reading the test items to the student. On the other hand, providing a quiet setting for highly distractible students could hardly be seen as compromising the test's validity.

Technical Issues of Assessment

A key component of State and local reform efforts and Title I is a high-quality assessment system aligned with the State’s content and performance standards that helps to ensure that the performance expected of children in Title I schools is the same as that expected of all children. Title I assessment requirements pose several new challenges. First, State and local assessments must demonstrate how well schools enable students to meet challenging standards developed by the State, rather than focusing on how well students perform against "the norm." Second, the assessments must focus on specifically defined performance standards rather than the generic skills measured by most norm-referenced tests. Finally, Title I requires a shift in accountability to the performance of the school and LEA in educating students to meet rigorous content standards.

Several important technical issues involved in the use of assessments for determining progress are discussed below: the use of multiple measures and approaches, matrix sampling, and technical quality.

Multiple Approaches/Measures

48. What are multiple measures and approaches?

Title I requires that the assessment system include multiple approaches to assessing student achievement in at least reading/language arts and mathematics. A measurement approach is a procedure for measuring student achievement. Measurement approaches encompass a wide variety of strategies, including traditional tests that use items and tasks such as multiple-choice items, short-answer items, and extended-response tasks. Other approaches emphasize student performance and include the use of portfolios and projects designed to be assessment tools, observational checklists, interviews, running records, and many other techniques.

49. Why are multiple approaches desirable?

A single measure or approach is unlikely to adequately measure the knowledge, skills, and complex procedures covered by rigorous content standards. Multiple measures and approaches can be used to capitalize on the strengths of each measurement technique, enhancing the utility of the assessment system and strengthening the validity of decisions made based on assessment results.

Multiple measures and approaches can enhance the validity, reliability, equity, and utility of the inferences made about student achievement by increasing content coverage and matching the assessment approach to the knowledge, skills, and complex procedures contained in rigorous academic content standards. It is important that information about student achievement in a content area cover the full range of content and use appropriate assessment techniques matched to the content standards.

Multiple measures are useful when the assessment system is used for multiple purposes. For example, a broad test used to sample the content area may provide information about student performance that is a useful component in determining progress at the school level. Results of extended open-ended assessments may supplement the multiple-choice results at the school level, adding information for evaluation purposes, and provide more useful information to teachers for designing specific instructional approaches for their students.

Multiple approaches are also important because of the relationship between assessment and curriculum. Research suggests that the format of "formal" assessment often affects curriculum, so that the curriculum reflects only what is assessed and the manner in which it is assessed. A mixture of measurement approaches can counteract the tendency to narrow the curriculum.

50. Must the results of multiple measures be combined for individual student reports?

No. Title I requires that the assessment system provide individual student reports, but it does not require that a single score be reported for each content area. Depending on the nature of the measures used and the purpose(s) for using multiple measures, it may or may not be desirable to combine scores for student reports. Validity of the inferences that will be made based on the scores are key considerations in decisions about reporting combined scores. Even though scores may be combined for one purpose, the original, non-combined scores can still be useful in clarifying what an individual student knows and can do in the content area assessed.

51. Should scores on multiple measures in a content area be combined to describe school and district performance?

Title I requires that the measure of yearly progress of schools and districts in helping students served by Title I to meet challenging content standards be based primarily on the State’s system of assessments. For example , a school result might be the proportion of students who scored at each of the State’s proficiency levels. If multiple measures are used as part of the assessment system, it may be useful to combine the information from the measures in reporting school and district-level results.

For example, the assessment system used to measure yearly progress may include three mathematics assessments. School or district results could be reported based on student performance on each assessment, producing three mathematics results for the school/district, or the data from the three assessments could be combined to produce a single mathematics result for the school/district.

The decision of whether to combine scores to produce school or district results, and the method used to combine scores, should be based on the need to produce reliable and valid information for the purpose(s) and use(s) intended. If school/district results are reported for each assessment separately, overall judgments of performance in a content area can be based on the pattern of results, using either a conjunctive approach (requiring a particular level of performance on each assessment) or a compensatory approach (allowing performance on the various assessments to counterbalance each other).


52. May a sampling design be used to collect information for measuring school and district progress?

If a school receives Title I funds, assessment data about student performance in at least reading/language arts and mathematics must be used in determining whether the school is making adequate yearly progress. Therefore, any sampling design used must provide results that can be reported at the school level in at least these two content areas.

53. May State assessments employ matrix sampling in Title I schools?

Matrix sampling is a technique in which the total set of assessment items is divided among several test forms, usually of comparable difficulty. Within a school (or other unit of interest),results are available based on the whole set of items; however, each student responds to only a portion of the items. For example, three different versions of a test in a content area may be developed, with each form containing a different set of items and tasks. Because each student receives only one of the test forms, each student responds to only one-third of the items covered by the entire set of test forms.

For States considering using matrix sampling, special concerns are targeted assistance schools and schools with small enrollments. Enough students need to respond to each test form in order to be able to make valid inferences based on school-level scores. In targeted assistance schools that use assessment data only from students served by Title I in measuring progress, matrix sampling designs may not provide adequate information. In small schools, each student may have to receive more than one test form in order to provide enough information at the school level.

54. What are some advantages and disadvantages of matrix sampling?

Matrix sampling can increase the content coverage assessed at the school, district, and State levels. It can reduce the amount of time spent on assessment and allow the use of a wider variety of assessment approaches than might be possible in a design that requires every student to respond to every assessment exercise. Research indicates that matrix sampling can increase the reliability and stability of school-level scores used for measuring progress, even in small schools.

Although matrix sampling is efficient, it reduces the information available from the assessment for individual students and may have to be supplemented by other assessment measures. A matrix sampling approach might make it difficult to provide data that can be disaggregated.

55. What are the technical issues involved in matrix sampling?

The validity of student-level scores based on a content sampling technique is a key consideration. Matrix sampling may result in scores that are not useful for individual students.

At the school and district levels, the number of students taking each form needs to be large enough to provide reliable and valid results. Assessment forms should be carefully designed so that the targeted unit (e.g., the school) receives appropriate content coverage for the purpose(s) of the assessment. Issues of reliability, validity, and equity that apply to individual student scores can be applied at the group level as well (see section on technical quality).

Technical Quality of Assessments

In determining how to apply technical standards to assessments used in the State assessment system, a primary consideration is the use of assessment information, that is, the inferences made based on assessment results. When assessment results are used to provide information at the school or district level, the quality of decisions made based on the entire system of information is important. The quality of the inferences made about individual students is critical when these same assessments are used to make student-level decisions.

56. What technical standards should be applied to the assessment system?

Title I requires that the assessment system be used for purposes that are valid and reliable and that it meet nationally recognized professional and technical standards. The law further allows the use of some measures that do not yet meet these requirements, if these measures are part of a system of multiple measures, and the State is in the process of collecting evidence of the validity of these measures. If the State assessment system used for measuring school and district progress includes locally developed or selected assessments, the State is responsible for ensuring that the local assessments meet the technical standards required by the law. The State may require that localities collect evidence of technical quality, or the State may collect such evidence.

57. How do technical standards apply to uses of assessment data at the school and district levels?

Many of the same technical standards that are applied to uses of assessment data to make inferences about individual students can also be applied to make inferences about aggregate performance. For example, the data should adequately cover the knowledge, skills, and complex procedures contained in the content standards assessed; if schools or districts include some local measures in the aggregated data, comparability of decisions made across schools and districts should be investigated and ensured. Equity issues that apply to individual student scores are equally important at the aggregate level. Intended effects of the assessment system, such as encouraging changes in curriculum and instruction, as well as potential unintended effects, such as narrowing the curriculum, are important issues to explore.

For example, when a combination of a variety of sources of information is the basis for deciding whether a school should be put in program improvement, the stability of the information and the validity of the decision become key issues. Similarly, when school performance is described based on the proportion of students meeting each of the State’s performance standards, the technical quality of the aggregate classifications is important.

58. What are some sources of information regarding technical quality of assessments?

The primary reference for technical quality of educational assessments is Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (1985), developed by the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education. This document contains descriptions of standards for test development, use, administration, and interpretation. With the exception of one chapter on program evaluation, the standards are oriented towards the use of assessment to provide individual student scores. The principles embodied in the standards are applicable to any educational assessment; however, the language and content are more readily interpreted in the context of traditional standardized assessments.

The Standards are currently being revised The revisions will more clearly apply to a variety of measurement approaches, including performance-based assessments.

Other sources of information for evaluating the technical quality of educational measurements are available. A number of articles discussing applications of technical standards to performance based assessments, with specific recommendations, have been published in recent editions of professional journals (e.g., Journal of Educational Measurement, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Researcher, Educational Measurement: Issues and Practices). Organizations such as the National Center for Educational Statistics, the National Center for Research on Education, Standards, and Student Testing, and the new Standards Project have also published reports devoted to technical issues in performance assessments. The Regional Comprehensive Assistance Centers can provide States with resources and assistance in designing and evaluating their assessment systems.

States with performance assessment programs are working with independent evaluators and conducting their own research to enhance the technical quality of their programs (e.g., Vermont, Maryland, Kentucky). In addition, States have banded together to develop technically-sound performance-based assessments and to conduct research on technical issues, through the Council of Chief State School Officers’ State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards.

Adequate Yearly Progress


The State is responsible for determining the methods and procedures for measuring adequate yearly progress. Adequate yearly progress as defined by a State describes the amount of yearly improvement each Title I school and district is expected to make in order to enable low-achieving children to meet high performance levels expected of all children.

Each State’s definition of adequate progress must be based primarily on its final assessment system included in the State’s plan. The concept of adequate yearly progress under the new Title I includes (1) an emphasis on accountability of schools and LEAs receiving Title I funds (i.e., whether they are making adequate progress toward enabling their children to meet the State’s standards) rather than emphasizing the Title I program itself or even the yearly performance gains of participating children; and (2) a definition that holds LEAs and schools accountable for the amount of improvement they make each year.

Statute and Regulations

(Section 1111(b)(2); §200.3)

Each State shall determine, based on the State's final assessment system, what constitutes adequate yearly progress of:

For any year in which a State uses transitional assessments, the State shall devise a procedure for identifying schools and LEAs in need of improvement that relies on accurate information about the continuous and substantial yearly academic progress of each school and LEA.

Questions and Answers

59. How is adequate yearly progress defined?

The definition of adequate yearly progress will vary from State to State. The definition must result in continuous and substantial yearly improvement of each LEA and school receiving Title I funds which is sufficient to achieve the goal of all children served under Title I, particularly economically disadvantaged and limited-English proficient children, meeting the State's proficient and advanced levels of performance. This definition must be sufficiently rigorous to achieve that goal within an appropriate time frame and link progress primarily to performance on a State's final assessment system, while permitting progress to be established in part through the use of other measures. The definition of adequate yearly progress may include, at the State's discretion, any additional measures or indicators identified by an LEA in its plan to review the progress of each school served in that district.

60. What are the main decisions that a State must make in defining adequate yearly progress?

61. Must a State define what constitutes adequate yearly progress for LEAs and schools?

Yes. While a State may allow LEAs to add local assessments with the State's approval or to develop their own assessment system approved by the State and judged on the basis of models or criteria for high quality assessments, the State must define adequate yearly progress.

62. What assessments must be included in the definition of adequate yearly progress?

There are three general approaches that States may take in developing their State assessment systems: an assessment system containing only uniform Statewide assessments; an assessment system with State and additional local assessments approved by the State; and an assessment system consisting entirely of locally developed assessments approved by the State, judged on the basis of criteria for high-quality yearly assessments. The implications of each of these three assessment approaches for defining adequate yearly progress are discussed below.

Uniform Statewide Assessments

In a "uniform State assessment" system, the results from the State assessment would clearly be the basis for defining adequate yearly progress. If local assessments exist, the role of local information could be supplementary in nature to help LEAs make better program decisions. In this case there would be a single definition for adequate yearly progress based solely on the State assessment system.

Mixed State and Local Assessments

States may choose to develop a combined state-local system. There are two main kinds of combined systems. First, there may be a system where there is a uniform State assessment for certain subjects or grades and locally determined assessments in other subjects or grades or including other assessment approaches. For example, a State may have a writing assessment, but leave it to the districts to select their own reading assessment. Similarly, a State may have a uniform mathematics assessment, but require its districts to develop a system that gives credit for students' work in mathematics over the year or requires districts to develop a semester or year-long math project.

In these situations, the State would set forth the general procedures for combining the two types of information for determining adequate yearly progress. For example, the State might decide that the State assessment would be given a weight of 75%, and the local information a weight of 25%. Districts would still have the option of presenting additional information which might modify inferences about the progress of their schools.

Second, States might develop State standards and uniform assessments, but choose to grant the authority to some LEAs to develop their own assessments to match State standards, provided that the assessments meet criteria specified by the State. Districts with sufficient assessment staff and capabilities could benefit from this flexibility by using, perhaps with some modifications, assessment systems they have developed that match their instructional programs. Their assessment systems then would not only match the State standards and provide accurate data about the effectiveness of their schools but, most importantly, would assist teachers and students to improve teaching and learning on a daily basis. Both purposes could be met using information from the same comprehensive assessment system. The task for the State, of course, is to ensure that the local assessments do indeed match the State standards. This is not the same as saying that the local assessments from different districts are comparable in a strict measurement sense, but that there is evidence the assessments match the standards, both in breadth and depth. The process of determining adequate yearly progress for these districts is slightly different than for the first type of mixed-model districts. States need to develop procedures for these districts that are parallel to the procedures that apply to the state-assessed districts--parallel for the sake of equity, yet sufficiently flexible to allow for a variety of different types of local assessment systems and instruments.

Local Assessments

Some States may choose to give all districts latitude in developing their own assessments or in setting their own standards as well as their assessments. Such States would need to develop or adopt model standards or criteria against which locally-developed standards and assessments could be compared and approved. Some States might establish voluntary standards. In any case, as described earlier, States are obligated to develop criteria to ensure that the districts work toward high standards, and that the assessments actually are aligned with their standards.

A local assessment State will still need to develop criteria for its districts to determine the adequate yearly progress of their schools, not a simple task given the variability the State will encounter. Furthermore, the State will need to cope with this variability when it develops equitable systems for determining the adequacy of progress for its districts.

63. Who is responsible for reviewing adequate yearly progress of LEAs and schools?

The law is clear that States are responsible for defining adequate yearly progress. States are then responsible for identifying LEAs which are not making adequate progress. LEAs are responsible for reviewing the progress of all their Title I schools, and identifying those not making adequate progress, and therefore in need of program improvement.

64. Must adequate yearly progress be defined in the same way for LEAs and schools?

No. The definition of adequate yearly progress need not be the same for LEAs and schools. For example, a State may wish to use other data elements to define adequate yearly progress of LEAs such as the number of schools in need of improvement, the number of distinguished schools, and other measures that would only be appropriate at the district level.

65. Must all schools served under Title I determine adequate yearly progress?

Yes. If no State and/or LEA assessment is available for a Title I school, then alternative methods of defining adequate yearly progress must be agreed upon by the LEA and State. For example, for a K-2 building where no State assessments are given, an alternative method of defining adequate yearly progress must be determined.

66. May the definition of adequate yearly progress vary from year to year for schools or LEAs?

Yes. Although consistency is the goal, there are several reasons why the definition of adequate yearly progress may legitimately vary from year to year: (1) new assessment components may be added as the assessment system is phased in over a period of years; (2) other achievement indicators may be added or dropped as appropriate; or (3) the weights of the components may change as the States learn more about how they work together. Nevertheless, the definition must always result in continuous and substantial yearly improvement.

67. May a State classify LEAs and schools into more than two categories (making or not making) adequate yearly progress ?

Yes. States may develop procedures to identify as many levels of district or school quality as they deem appropriate—as long as they are able to identify districts and schools that are not making adequate progress.

68. How should a State determine the amount of progress that needs to be made each year to reach the goal of all children served under Title I meeting the State's proficient and advanced levels of performance?

The process is mainly one of determining what proportion of students are not functioning at the proficient and advanced performance levels, how long the State or district needs to bring them up to those levels, and, therefore, how much progress needs to be made each year (that is, what additional proportion of the students needs to be at those levels in each successive year). Although the amount of progress made each year does not have to be constant, each year's required progress must be continuous and substantial.

69. Is there a specific time frame in which all children served under Title I must meet the State's proficient and advanced levels of performance?

The appropriate time frame for all children served under Title I to meet the States proficient and advanced levels of performance will vary from State to State. Since real reform takes time and States are at different stages in their efforts, each State may have a different time frame but should describe in its State plan how its definition of adequate yearly progress is sufficiently rigorous to achieve that goal during a student's school career.

70. What does the law mean by "substantial" progress?

There is no common definition that can be translated into a specific amount of progress across all the State and district assessment systems during a specific time frame. The goal is to move as many students into the proficient and advanced categories as soon as possible. It is important for a State to develop this definition involving LEAs, teachers, pupil services personnel, other school staff, parents, and administrators to determine what stakeholders view as substantial progress for their State.

71. Does adequate yearly progress refer to the progress of students or schools?

It refers to the progress of schools and LEAs, not students. But it must be based on the success of those schools and LEAs in increasing the number of students reaching proficient and advanced performance levels. This is consistent with the new law's focus on the effectiveness of school programs.

72. What are the key steps in determining the adequate yearly progress of schools?

There are three key steps. The first step is to determine the performance level for all students assessed by the State assessment system. The second step is to summarize that information for the school to determine the extent to which the students are attaining the proficient and advanced performance levels. The third step is to determine whether the school has made adequate improvement over the previous year and the extent to which the students are attaining the proficient and advanced performance levels.

73. How long must a student attend a school or district to be included in yearly review of progress?

The law provides that students who are not in the school or district for the full academic year may be excluded from the yearly review of progress of the school or district, respectively. Specifically, students who have not been in a school for the full year do not have to be included in computing adequate yearly progress for that school, but they are to be included in the district review if they were somewhere in the district for the full year. Students who were not in the district for the full year may be excluded from either the school or district review or both.

74. Which students may an LEA include to determine progress of a targeted assistance school?

Because adequate yearly progress is based primarily on the State's final assessments, the universe of students is those in the grades included in those assessments. Within this universe the LEA has three choices:

75. In targeted assistance schools that base progress on the performance of students currently served by Title I, must children be served by Title I for a full academic year before their data have to be included in determining yearly progress?

No. The law refers to attendance for a full academic year, not to service for a full academic year. Therefore, students in targeted assistance schools who have attended the school for a full year but have been served for only part of that year must be included in determining progress. Some Title I programs include short-term interventions, such as Reading Recovery.

76. To the extent a Title I school includes a grade being assessed in the State assessment system, must the results of the assessment be included in determining adequate yearly progress for that school in situations where Title I services are not provided to students in the grade being assessed?

Yes. For example, if a targeted assistance school provides Title I services only in grades K, 1, and 2 and the State assessment is administered in Grade 4, the results of that Grade 4 assessment are to be used for the purposes of determining adequate yearly progress. However, a LEA may include other measures approved by the SEA.

77. What evaluation designs are most appropriate for monitoring the progress of Title I schools?

The appropriateness of an evaluation design for determining adequate yearly progress should be judged by each State. As long as the State's definition results in continuous and substantial progress in helping all participating students attain proficient and advanced performance levels, the designs subsumed within that definition are permissible. See Adequate Yearly Progress: in Title I of the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994, published by the Council of Chief State School Officers (September, 1996) for a thorough discussion of several possible designs.

78. Must adequate yearly progress be based on disaggregated groups such as economically disadvantaged and limited-English proficient students meeting the State's content and student performance standards?

The law does not specifically require States to examine separately the progress of selected groups in determining adequate yearly progress. However, the law does indicate that adequate yearly progress must be defined to achieve the goal of all Title I children, "particularly economically disadvantaged and limited-English proficient children," meeting the States proficient and advanced levels of performance. It is unclear how an LEA could realistically achieve this goal, certainly over several years, if economically disadvantaged and limited-English proficient children are not also making substantial and continuous improvement. Therefore, we encourage States to set rigorous definitions of adequate yearly progress to hold LEAs and schools accountable for ensuring that the lowest-achieving children--be they economically disadvantaged, limited-English proficient, or other special populations--are making continuous and substantial progress. For example, a school's overall progress may be meeting the target, but if the growth rate for LEP students is not enough to close the gap in the specified time, the LEA might be required by the State to conclude that the school did not make adequate progress.

79. Must multiple measures be used in judging an LEA's and school's progress?

Title I requires that adequate yearly progress be based primarily on the State's assessment system. The law and regulations also require that the State's assessment system incorporate multiple measures and approaches. Therefore, definitions of adequate yearly progress will be based in large part on the multiple measures and approaches used to assess student progress. Questions 57-60 in the Assessment section describe some characteristics of multiple measures and approaches.

80. What kinds of data can be used in the determination of adequate yearly progress?

As noted in the question above, the definition of adequate yearly progress must be based primarily on the States assessment system. The law allows the use of additional indicators of school success such as attendance, retention, and promotion rates. In determining the characteristics of their assessment systems, States may use different criteria to answer this question. They will emphasize the different strengths of State and local data.

81. How can the information from several sources be combined to best judge a school's performance?

There are a number of methods of combining information from assessment results and other indicators. The example below illustrates one method of combining information at the school level.

Example: Combining Information to Determine Adequate Yearly Progress

A State measures school progress based on student performance in four content areas--reading, writing, mathematics, and science--and on attendance and promotion rates. The State combines information in these areas to create a school index, which is compared to the prior year's index to judge the degree of progress made by a school. The index is designed so that student performance contributes 80 percent (four-fifths) and the combination of attendance and promotion rates contributes 20 percent (one-fifth). The process for creating the index is illustrated below. (NOTE: This example is based on a simplification of the model used by Kentucky in its school accountability program.)

1. Determine the percentage of students at each of the State's four performance levels.

Perform Level Reading Writing Mathematics Science
Advanced 8% 12% 9% 11%
Proficient 25% 28% 25% 20%
Basic 37% 34% 32% 38%
Below Basic 30% 26% 34% 31%

2. The State has set weights for each performance level: Advanced: 140; Proficient: 100; Basic: 40; Below Basic: 0. The next step is to multiply each of the percentages by the appropriate weight and sum the results to obtain a school score for each content area.

Perform Level Weight Weighted Reading Weighted Writing Weighted Math Weighted Science
Advanced 140 11.2 16.8 12.6 15.4
Proficient 100 25.0 28.0 25.0 20.0
Basic 40 14.8 13.6 12.8 15.2
Below Basic 0 0 0 0 0
SUM N/A 51.0 58.4 50.4 50.6

3. The State uses average daily attendance rates and promotion rates as non-assessment indicators of school progress. The values for these two indicators are averaged to produce a single non-assessment indicator. At the sample school, average daily attendance was 90% and the promotion rate was 95%. The average is 92.5.

4. Combine the values of the four assessment indicators and the non-assessment indicator. Divide by five to calculate the school index.

Indicator Value
Reading 51.0
Writing 58.4
School Index60.6

82. May results be summarized across grade levels or content areas to make a decision about a district's or school's progress?

Yes. One way to obtain school-level data is to combine student performance data across subject areas. If a school serves more than one grade which is included in the State assessment system, the results for the grades may also be combined. This approach may be particularly useful in creating more stable assessment results for judging the annual progress of small schools. As with any method of reporting school-level results, a key consideration is the quality of the decisions made based on the combined information.

83. How can accurate data be obtained for determining the progress of small schools?

For small schools with few students, relatively large differences in average scores or in the proportion of students who perform at least at the proficient level are to be expected even if the quality of education provided by the program remains unchanged. Consequently, a school may show a relatively large increase one year and a relatively large decrease the next or visa versa. That is why, under the Title I law, schools and LEAs are identified for improvement only if they fail to make adequate process for two consecutive years.

In small schools, especially those with targeted assistance programs, assessment results can be unstable if they are based on relatively few students. One option for targeted assistance schools is to base the measure of yearly progress on all students in the grades assessed. To obtain more stable and trustworthy results for small schools, scores may be combined across grade levels and/or content areas.

Example: Combining Data from Small Schools

To obtain more stable and trustworthy results for small schools, Wyoming requires schools to aggregate scores across groups and grade levels in a designated sequence until they represent the results for a minimum of 25 students. In many targeted schools, the total number of students served in any grade is at least 25. If it is less than 25, then the following procedure applies:

  • include all targeted students served in the school. If this new total is still less than 25,then
  • add all non-targeted students in grades served. If this still does not total 25, then
  • add all other non-targeted students in the school.

At this point all students in the school have been included. Results should be reported even if the number is less than 25.

Strategies for reducing the problems associated with the uncertainty of school results for small numbers of students may also involve the use of data for several years rather than simply looking at changes in performance from one year to the next. Two variations that might be considered in this regard are biennial comparisons and the use of rolling averages. These two variations involve reviewing school results on less than an annual basis and would require a waiver from the Secretary.

Biennial comparisons involve the use of a combination of two year's worth of data to determine progress. The Kentucky accountability system provides an example of the use of biennial results. Two-year averages are used both to set a baseline level of performance and to obtain follow-up performance data that are compared to the baseline results. This yields more stable results and increases the likelihood that schools will be validly identified for school improvement.

The use of rolling averages is another potential method for stabilizing data based on small numbers of students. Rolling averages of, say, two years might also be used to reduce the spurious year-to-year fluctuations resulting from measurement and sampling error. Using this method, States could compare the average performance from years 1 and 2 to the average performance from years 2 and 3 to determine progress. After the first two-year period, data would be reviewed annually, based on the prior two years= average results.

84. What does it mean to say that a system is compensatory or conjunctive?

Compensatory systems allow schools (or students if the decision is at the student level) which show a relative weakness in some area to "compensate" by making up for it in other areas. Assume, for example, that a State uses a criterion-referenced assessment in mathematics and a norm-referenced assessment as the basis for determining the adequate yearly progress of the schools. Under a compensatory system, if a school did not do very well on the criterion-referenced assessment, it could "compensate" by doing very well on the norm-referenced assessment. The average of the two might indicate that the school is making adequate progress.

Conjunctive systems, on the other hand, require a school to meet a certain minimum of progress on each assessment. If a school did not make its projected level of progress on one of the assessments, it would not be allowed to make up for it on the other assessment.

Transitional Assessments


Parts I and II of this guidance examine the Title I requirements for high standards and high-quality aligned assessments. Recognizing the technical complexity and practical challenges of developing these high-quality standards and assessments and recognizing that States are at different stages in this process, Title I provides for a transition period during which a State may use a transitional assessment system while it is developing standards and final assessments.

In order to provide States sufficient time to develop high-quality assessments and field test their use, the law permits transitional assessments to be used until school year 2000-01. In addition, States have maximum flexibility to determine the transitional assessments that they will use, as long as those assessments assess performance of complex skills and challenging matter. States should examine and reexamine methods of assessing their State standards in order to ultimately satisfy the final assessment requirements and provide information to LEAs and schools on their progress toward attaining the State's high content and performance standards.

The transition period gives States the opportunity to experiment with innovative methods of assessment and to phase in their use. It also allows time for parents, students, teachers, and administrators to understand these new assessments and how they may be used to improve instruction in schools.

Statute and Regulations (Section 1111(b)(7);200.3 8 and 200.4(e)(1))

If a State has not yet developed or adopted a final assessment system, the State may propose in its State plan to use a transitional set of yearly statewide assessments that meet the following requirements:

Transitional assessments do not need to meet the other assessment requirements of Title I that apply to final assessments.

Statute and Regulations (Sections 1111(b)(7)(B))

Accountability During Transitional Period

During the transition period, the State must have a procedure for identifying LEAs and schools for improvement. This procedure must rely on accurate information about the academic progress of each LEA or school. Although many States may still tie this procedure to a definition of adequate yearly progress, they do not have to. Since States may not have content or performance standards and aligned assessments, it may be necessary to use different types of procedures to judge whether LEAs or schools are in need of improvement.

During this developmental period and using broad-based consultation, States must set challenging goals for all students. In this changing environment, it is especially important that the criteria for identifying LEAs and schools for improvement are understood by school administrators, teachers, parents, and students in order to make the process useful in terms of improving teaching and learning in the districts and schools.

Questions and Answers

85. What is the procedure for identifying LEAs and schools in need of improvement during the transition period?

During the transition period, a State must have a procedure for identifying LEAs and schools in need of improvement. This procedure must rely on accurate information about the continuous and substantial yearly academic progress of each LEA and school. Although many States may still tie this procedure to a definition of adequate yearly progress, they are not required to do so. Since States may not have content or performance standards and aligned assessments, it may be necessary to use different types of procedures to judge whether LEAs and schools are in need of improvement.

During this developmental period, using broad-based consultation, States must set challenging goals for all students. In this changing environment, it is especially important that the criteria for identifying LEAs and schools for improvement are understood by school administrators, teachers, parents, and students to make the process useful in terms of improving teaching and learning in the districts and schools.

86. When must a State develop or adopt assessments in at least mathematics and reading/language arts that are no longer transitional assessments?

By the beginning of the 2000-01 school year, the State shall have developed and field tested for one year mathematics and reading/language arts assessments. If a State has not developed assessments in at least mathematics and reading/language arts by the beginning of the 2000-01school year and is denied a one-year extension from the Secretary, the State shall adopt a set of assessments in those subjects, such as assessments contained in other State plans the Secretary has approved. The assessment of mathematics and reading/language arts may be satisfied through assessments in academic subjects other than mathematics and reading/language arts if those assessments measure performance in mathematics and reading/language arts.

87. During the transitional period, may children in Title I be assessed with different measures than those used by the State to assess all other children?

Title I students must be included in any assessments given to all students in the State.

88. May norm-referenced tests be used during the transitional period?

A transitional assessment must include assessment of complex skills and challenging subject matter in selected grades. Norm-referenced tests (NRTs) that measure reading comprehension and problem-solving skills may meet these requirements. However, during this transitional period, each State should examine its assessment process and work toward a system of multiple measures that is aligned with the State's challenging content and performance standards.

89. If a school is providing Title I services only in reading/language arts or math, may the children be assessed in only the subject matter in which they receive instruction?

No. A State must use a transitional set of yearly statewide assessments that assesses the performance of complex skills and challenging subject matter in at least mathematics and reading/language arts.

90. Must a State use only specific mathematics and reading/language arts assessments to satisfy the minimum requirement of Title I?

No. A State may assess students in academic subjects other than mathematics and reading/language arts if those assessments measure performance in mathematics and reading/language arts.

91. When a State is using transitional assessments, must the data obtained from these assessments be disaggregated?

The requirement for disaggregation applies only to the final assessment. However, States, LEAs, and schools may wish to use this information, as available, in planning programs and to assist schools or LEAs that are in need of improvement. This may be particularly relevant for targeted assistance schools when data for all students are used to measure the progress of the school. This information can also be used to inform final assessment development.

92. During a transitional period, must a State annually review the progress of each LEA and must an LEA annually review the progress of each school receiving funds under this part?

Yes. Using transitional assessments, each State must annually review the progress of each LEA and each LEA must annually review the progress of each school receiving Title I funds. LEAs and schools must be identified as needing improvement based on the procedures described in the State plans.

93. If a State has no uniform statewide assessments during the transition period, what are its responsibilities for fulfilling its role in meeting the requirements for assessments and measuring the academic progress of each LEA and school in the State receiving Title I funds?

The statewide assessment during the transitional period may be a description of the criteria or model assessments the State will use to approve the LEA's assessment process. This description must explicitly include the procedure used by the LEA to identify schools for improvement and the procedure used by the State to identify LEAs for improvement.

94. Since Section 1111(b)(7)(B) of Title I requires that the procedure for identifying LEAs and schools rely on accurate information about academic progress, how may such information be judged as accurate?

Because of the wide variety of measures being used across States, it is difficult to give a specific definition of accurate information. Information about academic progress should be carefully evaluated so that the whole system has credibility to LEAs, schools, parents, and students and is perceived as useful and fair in raising standards for every child.

95. During the transitional assessment period, may a State and/or LEA include other measures with their assessments to establish criteria for identifying LEAs and schools in need of improvement?

Yes. An LEA may use the State assessments and any additional measures or indicators, such as dropout, retention, and attendance rates, described in the LEA's plan to establish the progress of a school or the LEA toward enabling its students to meet the State's student performance standards.

96. Are States required to define adequate yearly progress during the transitional period?

No. During the transitional period States are required to devise a procedure for identifying schools and LEAs for improvement using accurate information about the continuous and substantial yearly academic progress of each LEA and school. States are expected to use this transitional period for development and field testing of their final assessment systems. They may also want to try out a variety of different procedures for determining adequate yearly progress during this period.

Accountability and Improvement


The program improvement provisions of the 1988 law advanced accountability of the former Chapter 1 program by focusing on the outcomes of children in Chapter 1 programs, not just on what happened to Chapter 1 dollars. The new Title I is designed to strengthen the program improvement requirements of the 1988 law and ensure even greater school and district accountability for high performance of their students. It does this in a number of ways:

Focusing an accountability system on schools is driven by the belief that as long as schools understand their responsibility to serve every child and expect every child to learn, a strategy for improving schools can most effectively lift the achievement levels of all children. Moreover, when Title I is an integral part of, rather than an add-on to, the child's education, the impact of the Title I program cannot be separated from that of the regular program. This integration is particularly true as an increasing number of Title I schools use Title I funds to develop schoolwide programs. Thus, the question that needs answering is what is happening in schools with large enrollments of poor children.

It is important to recognize that this approach to school, district, and State accountability is integrally connected to a formative evaluation process, where assessment results are used to help promote improved teaching and learning in all Title I schools and to encourage the provision of learning experiences that contribute to the attainment of challenging State standards.

Ultimately, the most effective accountability strategy relies on those closest to children, that is, teachers and parents, having the authority, information, and training, and assuming the responsibility to intervene on an ongoing basis to improve teaching and learning. This strategy is not driven by external rewards and sanctions, but depends on such mechanisms as clear and high standards, professional development and technical assistance, greater school-level decision-making, stronger parental involvement and parent-school compacts, and ongoing information about school and student performance. These mechanisms are built in throughout the ESEA and are designed to help create the conditions for self-generated accountability and ongoing school improvement to enable all children to achieve to challenging State standards.

Statute and Regulations

(Sections 1116; and Sections 200.5 and 200.6)

School Level Improvement during Final Assessment

Local Review

Each LEA receiving Title I funds shall review annually the progress of each school served under Title I to determine whether the school is meeting or making adequate progress toward enabling its students to meet the State's student performance standards described in the State plan.

An LEA may review a targeted assistance school on the progress of only those students who have been or are being served by Title I.

In conducting its review, an LEA shall:

The LEA shall:

Schools in Need of Improvement:

An LEA shall identify for school improvement any school served under Title I that:

Before identifying a school as needing improvement, an LEA must provide the school with an opportunity to review the data, including assessment data, on which such identification is based. If the school believes that its identification for school improvement is in error for statistical or other substantive reasons, the school may provide evidence to the LEA to support its belief.

Each school identified as needing improvement must:

Each school identified must, as part of its school plan, improve the skills of its staff by providing effective professional development activities. A school must:

A school may use funds from any source to meet this requirement.

Decisions about how to use the funds that the school makes available for professional development must be made by teachers, principals, and other school staff in that school.

For each school identified, the LEA (and SEA if requested) shall make available technical assistance or other assistance as the school develops and implements the school's new or revised plan, such as a joint plan between the LEA and the school that addresses specific elements of student performance problems, specifies school and LEA responsibilities under the plan, and includes waivers or modifications of requirements of LEA policy or regulation that impede the ability of the school to educate students.

Such technical assistance may be provided directly by the LEA, through mechanisms authorized under Section 1117 for State assistance and school support and improvement, or with the LEA's approval, by an institution of higher education, a private non-profit organization, an educational service agency, a comprehensive regional assistance center, or other entities.

After providing technical assistance, and taking other remediation measures, an LEA may take corrective action, at any time, against a school identified for improvement, but, during the third year following identification, must take such action against any school that still fails to make adequate progress.

Corrective actions must be consistent with State and local law, and disseminated to the public by the LEA.

Corrective actions may include such actions as withholding funds; interagency collaborative agreements between the school and other public agencies to provide health, counseling, and other social services; revoking authority for a school to operate a schoolwide program; decreasing decision-making authority; making alternative governance arrangements such as the creation of a public charter school; reconstituting the school staff; and authorizing students to transfer, including transportation costs, to other public schools served by the LEA.

LEAs may not impose some of these corrective actions under Title I's authority (withholding funds, revoking authority for a school to operate a schoolwide program, decreasing decision-making authority, reconstituting the school staff, or authorizing students to transfer, including transportation costs, to other public schools served by the LEA) until the State has developed an assessment system that is consistent with widely recognized professional and technical standards including validity and reliability.

LEAs may refrain from taking corrective action for one additional year if the failure can be attributed to extenuating circumstances, such as sudden and significantly reduced Federal funding in a single year, as determined by the LEA.

An SEA must make technical assistance available to the schools farthest from meeting the State's student performance standards, if requested by the school or LEA. If the SEA determines that an LEA has failed to carry out its responsibilities with respect to technical assistance or corrective action, the SEA must take corrective actions it deems appropriate, consistent with State law.

Schools no longer need to be identified for school improvement if they make adequate progress toward meeting the State's proficient and advanced levels of performance for two of the three years following identification.

Distinguished Schools

Each State shall designate as a distinguished school any school served under Title I that has exceeded the State's definition of adequate progress for three consecutive years, and any school in which:

Distinguished schools may serve as models and provide support to other schools, especially schoolwide programs and schools in school improvement, to assist such schools in meeting the State's student performance standards.

A State shall use funds reserved under Title I to allow distinguished schools to serve as models and provide support to other schools and may use such funds to provide awards to such schools to further a school's education programs, provide additional incentives for continued success, and reward individuals or groups in the school for exemplary performance.

An LEA may also recognize the success of a distinguished school by providing additional institutional and individual rewards, such as greater decision-making authority at the school-building level, increased access to resources or supplemental services such as summer programs that may be used to sustain or increase success, additional professional development opportunities, opportunities to participate in special projects, and individual financial bonuses.

Local Educational Agency Improvement

State Review

Each State shall annually review the progress of each LEA receiving Title I funds to determine whether the schools receiving assistance are making adequate progress toward enabling their students to meet the State's student performance standards described in the State plan.

An SEA may review the progress of the schools served by an LEA only for those students who have been or are being served in Title I. In conducting its review, an SEA shall: