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Formula Grants | Demonstration Grants | Professional Development Grants

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Formula Grant Program

Purpose: Provides grants to support local educational agencies (LEAs) in their efforts to reform elementary and secondary school programs that serve Indian students. Programs are to be based on challenging state content and student performance standards used for all students, and are designed to assist Indian students to meet those standards.

Eligible applicants include:

For an LEA to be eligible, a minimum of 10 Indian children must be enrolled in the applicant’s schools or constitute at least 25 percent of the total enrollment, except for schools in Alaska, California and Oklahoma, or any school located on a reservation or in proximity to a reservation.

Types of Project Activities

Student Eligibility Requirements

The legislation defines "Indian" to mean an individual who is.. "A member of an Indian tribe or band, as membership is defined by the tribe or band, including:

Demonstration Grants for Indian Children

Demonstration Grants for Indian Children is a competitive discretionary grant program that supports projects to develop, test and demonstrate the effectiveness of services and programs to improve educational opportunities and achievement of Indian children.

Program activities may include services to students in preschool to high school in areas such as family-based preschool emphasizing school readiness and parental skills; partnerships between schools and universities to aid, assist and encourage students in transitioning from high school to college, enrichment programs to increase the achievement of Indian children in one or more of the core academic subjects, programs designed to increase the rate of secondary school graduation; and programs that preserve and teach the native language and culture.

Eligible applicants include:

Priority is given to applications that include an Indian tribe, organization or institution.

Native American Language

The purposes of the NAL@ED program are to support schools that use Native American and Alaska Native languages as the primary language of instruction; maintain, protect, and promote the rights and freedom of Native Americans and Alaska Natives to use, practice, maintain, and revitalize their languages, as envisioned in the Native American Languages Act of 1990 (25 U.S.C. 2901 et seq.); and support the Nation’s First Peoples’ efforts to maintain and revitalize their languages and cultures, and to improve educational opportunities and student outcomes within Native American and Alaska Native communities.

Eligible entities include:

Indian tribe, Tribal college or university (TCU), Tribal Education Agency (TEA), Local Education Agency (LEA), BIE-funded school, Alaska Native Regional Corporation, a tribal, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or other nonprofit organization, a nontribal for-profit organization may apply.

Professional Development Program

The Professional Development program is a competitive grant program that supports activities to increase the number of qualified Indian individuals in professions that serve Indian people. Individuals who receive training under the Professional Development program are required to perform work that is related to the training received and that benefits Indian people, or repay all or a prorated part of the assistance received.

One component of the Professional Development program supports training for qualified Indian individuals to (1) become teachers, administrators, teacher aides, social workers, and ancillary educational personnel; and (2) improve the skills of Indian individuals serving in these capacities. The second component of the program supports training of qualified Indian individuals in fields other than education that result in a degree at the graduate level.

Eligible entities include:

Last Modified: 05/30/2017